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Fertilizer on the Farm
The fertilizer industry’s research investment leads to innovative fertilizer products, practices, and technologies and also allows for the evaluation of 4R practices’ impact on crop yield within the environment. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Partnerships are fundamental to ensuring all nutrients are applied using the 4Rs. Industry members partner with government and non-government organizations to extend resources and amplify outreach and implementation efforts. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEFs) are one of the tools farmers can use to improve nutrient uptake by the plant and reduce losses to the environment. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Farmers rate crop advisers and agronomists as their most trusted source of information when making fertilizer decisions. The industry employs these professionals to help farmers implement 4R-based nutrient management plans. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
People & Communities
Capital investments help the industry meet sustainability goals by increasing efficiencies, reducing energy and water use, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
The numbers don’t lie. According to data from the Department of Labor, the fertilizer industry is twice as safe as our industry peers. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Energy & Environment
Many secondary and micronutrients are produced as co-products or from byproducts from various industries. Two percent of fertilizers produced come from these recycled materials. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
A lot of energy is required to produce fertilizer. However, many manufacturers are working to reduce their energy footprint by cogenerating energy or using other low-impact energy sources, such as solar or steam from waste heat. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Minimizing GHG emissions is a priority for companies in the fertilizer industry. In 2018, the industry captured more than 4.5 times the GHGs captured in 2013 and used them for other industrial purposes. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Sustainable water use is a key element in the industry’s conservation efforts. Nitrogen producers are using half the amount of water per nutrient produced than they did in 2013. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Farmers rely on the timely transportation of fertilizer when and where they need it. This requires a complex transportation logistics puzzle as fertilizer moves from the production facility, to storage warehouses, to retail facilities, and finally to the farm. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Industry Voices
Research supported by the 4R Research Fund at Iowa State University is using 8 drainage water quality research facilities to examine the impacts of 4R nitrogen management on crop yield, greenhouse gas emissions, drainage water quality, and soil health. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Yara North America is using incubator farms to create a culture of collaboration that leads to solutions that can be applied to multiple crops worldwide. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
The University of Wisconsin is a great example of how partnerships with academia, Extension, and TFI can expand. UW’s Discovery Farms is working with Wisconsin farmers to quantify the changes they’ve made to improve phosphorus and nitrogen management practices. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Putting 4R best management practices in place takes collaboration. Working with NRCS and The Mosaic Company, Ducks Unlimited partnered with the USA Rice Federation to improve nutrient management and provide habitat for waterfowl in rice-growing areas of the U.S. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
The Mosaic Company is investing in nutrient stewardship in a partnership with Ducks Unlimited and USA Rice. This work has resulted in cost-share incentives and outreach that have improved 4R practices on over 140,000 acres of rice in the Mississippi valley. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Enhanced efficiency fertilizers use technologies to help farmers incorporate more sustainable management practices. Compass Minerals is investing in on-farm research to understand how crop seedlings grow to help farmers use less phosphorous more efficiently. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
AdvanSix leadership does its best to ensure safety is a strong part of its operational culture. Safety is a job that belongs to every employee in the company. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
A one-team mindset drives the safety culture at TradeMark. This spirit of teamwork encourages employees at all levels to openly discuss safety practices. It must be working too as TradeMark has gone more than 5,100 days without a lost-time incident. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
It takes teamwork to get mined ground back in shape. Thanks to The Mosaic Company and its partners, they’re putting things back better than they were before mining took place. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |
Winfield United buys products that are delivered by almost all means of transportation, including barge, rail, and truck. It invests in the transportation industry to provide good service to customers and make sure products are delivered on time. #FertilizerReport Tweet It |